<strong>Choregraphie par : </strong> Hana Ries (USA) <!--more--> <strong>Description :</strong> 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Novembre 2024 <strong>Musique : </strong> Love All Day Long - The Nelons <strong>Intro 16 counts. Start dancing on the word “crushed”</strong> <strong>(R=right foot, L=left foot)</strong> <strong>Restarts/Tag: 2 Restarts (walls 3 & 11), 1 Tag (4 counts, the end of wall 8)</strong> <strong>STEP FORWARD, KICK, COASTER STEP, WALK, SHUFFLE (12:00→12:00)</strong> 1-2-3&4 Step R forward, Kick L forward, Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward 5-6-7&8 Step R forward, Step L forward, Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward <strong>FOUR SWAYS, ROCK BACK/RECOVER, PIVOT ¼ RIGHT (12:00→3:00)</strong> 1-2-3-4 Step L diagonally forward towards 10:30 and sway hips left, right, left, right 5-6 Rock L back, Recover to R 7-8 Step L forward, Turn ¼ right and shift weight onto R <strong>CROSS, STEP SIDE, ROCK BACK/RECOVER, LINDY ¼ RIGHT (3:00→6:00)</strong> 1-2-3-4 Cross L over R, Step R to right, Rock L behind R, Recover to R 5&6-7-8 Step L to left, Step R next to L, Step L to left, Turn ¼ right and rock R back, Recover to L <strong>Restart here on wall 3 facing 12:00</strong> <strong>ROCKING CHAIR, TWO PADDLE TURNS LEFT (6:00→3:00)</strong> 1-2-3-4 Rock R forward, Recover to L, Rock R back, Recover to L <strong>Restart here on wall 11 facing 3:00 (Keep dancing through the break in the music, stay on beat)</strong> 5-6-7-8 Step R forward, Turn 1/8 left (weight on L), Step R forward, Turn 1/8 left (weight on L) <strong>REPEAT</strong> <strong>Restart #1: On wall 3 after 24 counts, facing 12:00</strong> <strong>Restart #2: On wall 11 after 30 counts, facing 3:00</strong> <strong>Tag - Add at the end of wall 8 facing 3:00</strong> <strong>ROCKING CHAI</strong>R 1-2-3-4 Rock R forward, Recover to L, Rock R back, Recover to L <strong>ENDING</strong> <strong>You will finish the dance facing 12:00 on wall 15. After the first 8 counts, sway 3 times.</strong>