Choregraphie par : Tim SCHALCH
Description : 32 temps, 4 murs, Novice, Mars 2016
Musique : 2 Heads par Coleman HELL
[1-8] Rolling Grapevines R & L (ALT: VINE R, VINE L)
1,2 Step R to side making ¼ turn R, 1/4 turn on the ball of R foot stepping L, to L side
3,4 Pivot ½ turn on ball of L foot stepping R foot to R, CLAP
5,6 Step L to side making ¼ turn L, ¼ turn on the ball of L foot stepping R, to R side
7,8 Pivot ½ turn on ball of R foot stepping L foot to L, CLAP
[9-16] Heel switches, ¼ Turn left and Walk
1&2& R heel FWD, together, L heel FWD, together
3&4& R heel FWD, together, L heel FWD, together (Gradual ¼ turn L)
5,6 Step R, Step L
7,8 Step R, L Hitch (knee up)
[17-24] Step Back L & R, L Sailor, R Sailor
1,2 Step back L, HOLD
3,4 Step back R, HOLD
5&6 Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
7&8 Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
[25-32] Walk FWD, RLR, HOLD, Paddle ½ Turn L
1,2 Step L, Step R
3,4 Stomp R, HOLD
5,6 Step R, pivot turn L, Step R, pivot turn L (total of ¼ turn L) LASSO HANDS
7,8 Step R, pivot turn L, Step R, pivot turn L (total of ¼ turn L) LASSO HANDS
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