Choregraphie par : Gary SPURWAY
Description : 96 temps, 1 mur, Novice, Février 2018
Musique : Dancing – Kylie Minogue
section 1: point point sailor x2
1-2 point right foot forward ,point right to side
3&4 right behind left, left to side ,right to side
5-6 point left foot forward ,point left to side
7&8 left behind right ,right to side ,left to side
section 2: sway ¼ turn , cross side sailor
1-4 step right forward as you do 2 sways to the left ¼ turn
5-6 cross right in front of left ,step left to side
7&8 right behind left ,left to side , right to side
section 3: cross side sailor ¼ turn jazz box
1-2 cross left in front of right ,step right to side
3&4 left behind right ,right to side ,left to side
5-6 cross right in front of left ,step left back
7-8 ¼ turn as you step right to side ,step left next to right
section 4: kick and cross side touch hip bumps
1&2 kick right foot forward, place right back, cross left in front of right
3-4 step right to side ,left next to right
5-8 4 hip bumps right left ,right left
section 5: walk walk ½ turn walk walk ½ turn
1-2 walk forward right then left ,
3&4 step forward on right ½ turn ,weight on left
5-6 walk forward right ,left
7&8 step forward on right ½ turn ,weight on left
section 6: rock forward , coaster step ,cross side back rock
1-2 rock forward on right ,recover weight on left
3&4 right foot back , left next to right , right foot forward
5-6 cross left foot in front of right ,step right to side
7-8 rock back on left ,recover weight on right
section 7: side hold rock back, side hold rock back
1-2 step to the left ,hold
3-4 rock back on right ,recover on left
5-6 step to right ,hold
7-8 rock back on left ,recover right
section 8: side touch side touch , out in out touch
1-2 step to left ,touch right next to left ,
3-4 step to right ,touch left next to right
5-8 point left out ,in, out step on left
section 9: cross side back rock ,side hold rock back,
1-2 cross right in front of left ,step left to side
3-4 rock right behind left ,recover on left
5-6 step right to side, hold
7-8 rock back on left ,recover weight on right
section 10: side hold rock back ,side touch side touch
1-2 step to left ,hold
3-4 rock back on right and recover on left
5-6 step to right touch left next to right
7-8 step left to side ,touch right next to left
section 11: out in out in ,kick kick lunge tap
1-4 point right foot out ,in ,out, in
5-6 kick right foot forward twice
7-8 step back on right as you do a ¼ turn to right ,tap left next to right
section 12: forward tap kick kick toe strut x2
1-2 ¼ turn to left ,tap right foot next to left
3-4 kick right foot forward twice
5-8 place right toe forward ,place heel down,place left toe forward ,place heel down
Repeat And Enjoy
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